A. Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) Problems
- Link to Millions of times more Effective Radiated Power inside of homes than what is needed for “5-Bars” telecommunications service on a cell phone
- Link to 24/7 Surveillance, Data Mining and Crowd Control
- Link to Heavy Industrial equipment and unnecessary blight in residential neighborhoods.
- Even Dilbert thinks so . . . from https://dilbert.com/search_results?terms=5g
B. Public Safety is Much More Than Police and Fire Services
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C. 24/7 Surveillance of our Homes Is Unacceptable
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D. Property Values Drop 20-25% For Homes Closest to sWTFs
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E. Save Newton Park From WTF Antennas on Brookdale
- Link to see what is happening at homes on Exmoor Ave.
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