Mark Curran (R) for U.S. Senate, Illinois
A Statement from Mark Curran (R), Candidate for U.S. Senate in 2020:
Re: [ 4G/5G ] Deployment in Communities
Date: August 23, 2020
The Restoring Local Over Infrastructure Act of 2019, Senate Bill 2012 which overrules the gross overreach of the FCC and restores local and state control, was introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA in 2019. This bill restores the state and local government control over how wireless carriers deploy equipment on phone and utility poles, [ city-owned light poles and other “street furniture” ]. This was a step by [ one ] Federal Government elected official to relegate the issue back local governments, which many argue there is no better government than local government.
The State and local governments have long regulated what goes on utility poles, [ city-owned light poles and other “street furniture” in the public rights-of-way ] and how to manage the equipment. They < Municipalities are the best at determining the safety and evaluation of the impact of additional equipment [ and toxic chemicals/agents emitted ] . That Senate bill would restore the State and control over those decisions, where we agree, it belongs.
Here in Illinois, we support Republican State Rep. Deanne M, Mazzochi in the 47th District’s well-researched position and will stand with her to ensure that [ the ] health, property and well-being of citizens. especially the vulnerable population, our children, are the top priority of our local leaders.
However, I would advocate that elected officials in the state of Illinois. including those in the general assembly representing districts, towns [ and ] cities — as well locally elected leaders such as [ City Council Members and Board ] Trustees, all of whom run campaigns to seek re-election, have a tendency to be persuaded by lobbyists and their money [ contributions ] to their campaigns. We have seen this problem in Illinois at times. We call it “pay to play.” So, although Feinstein’s bill washes federal leader’s hands on [ removes the authority of the FCC over the placement and construction of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) of any “G” ] where 5G is deployed, it doesn’t ensure that local leaders aren’t being bought out on the issue overly-influenced by lobbyists’ [ financial and other contributions].
For this reason, in order to safeguard that the issues of safety of our communities won’t be compromised, in the future, when the government controls how wireless carries deploy 4G/5G infrastructure would consider drafting a Federal bill that would prohibit [ Federal, State and ] local elected officials from taking campaign money from any Telecom [provider/agent ] lobbyist.
According to our research, there is no U.S. Federal health agency, not the Environmental Protection Agency, [ not ] the Food and Drug Administration and nor [ not ] the CDC — that has done a proper systematic review of the current scientific research on the [ health effects from pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) deployed by Wireless Telecom firms ]. wireless nor on the newest technology, 5G, to assess its public health impacts.
Current “safety limits” are apparently based on 30-year-old science, and the EPA was defunded on the issue. The EPA currently states that the U.S. radiation limits don’t apply to long-term daily exposures to 5G [ to RF-EMR from any source ]. This means is no reliable oversight over the health effects from [ RF-EMR transmitted by telecom antennas ] radiation in the US. So what studies will local leaders exactly have to make that “local government decision” [ have been published, peer-reviewed and are established in the scientific literature ]. is yet to be determined.
We know the International Association of Firefighters [ have opposed Wireless Telecommunications Facilities ] cell towers on their stations since after, following a study revealed neurological damage in firefighters with [ cellular antennas ] on their stations. We found the American Academy of pediatrics and over 20 nations recommend reducing cellular phone [ wireless radiation from cellular infrastructure antennas ], especially for children. Concerned [ Well-informed ] community members, as well as elected politicians, may not be aware of some of the health effects linked to daily exposure to [ 4G/5G infrastructure antennas ] since telecommunications companies are major advertisers in mainstream news outlets and they are powerful lobbyists with both parties in Washington DC.
So based on these knowns it would be in the best interests of taxpayer citizens [ residents ] of our state and throughout the country, to know that their government leaders are not being persuaded either way, either in favor or against [Densified 4G/5G ] deployment issue because they received a campaign contribution or didn’t receive a campaign contribution. This would ensure that the facts and research on 5G [ Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) of any “G” placement and construction ] that may likely evolve and come to light, would not be [ greenlighted ] buried by local elected bureaucrats who took a campaign contribution.
Jeanne Ives (R) for U.S. House of Representatives
. . . for Illinois 6th Congressional District, Opposing Incumbent Rep. Sean Casten (D)

A Statement from Jeanne Ives (R), Candidate for U.S. House, IL-6 in 2020:
In nearly all matters of public policy (the exception being national security), the most effective elected body to handle issues important to the people is local government.
Note: the purpose of the 1934 Communications Act, amended in 1996:
“to make available, so far as possible, to all the people of the United States without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, a rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges,
- for the purpose of the national defense,
- for the purpose of promoting safety of life and property
I understood this rule to be true when I served on Wheaton City Council and my experience as a councilwoman informed my vote on legislation many times while serving in the state legislature.
From unfunded mandates to business rules to zoning laws, increasingly state government, and the federal government, want to infringe on local control. Such intervention must be opposed at every turn.
My record is clear after many votes over six years. I voted to protect local governments (school boards, park districts, municipal boards) rights to use general revenues as they saw fit and regulate businesses to accommodate their community standards, unless there was a very compelling reason to oppose such. Most importantly, I voted to protect local zoning ordinances as it relates to deployment of new technologies like small cell units.
In the controversial deployment of 5G technology, not only did I vote against SB.1451 but I used my platform to speak against the legislation as well. I support and defend local communities to make decisions locally on topics that will, or can, impact safety, health, or property rights of the residents of that community – especially as it concerns new technology, new regulations or new mandates.
My position is in accordance with our American system of federalism where we let states decide many matters. It is incumbent on state legislatures to respect local governments in the same way. As regards to new technology, whether it is in the communication field, health sciences, food production or any area, the federal government has a role in ensuring such new developments are deployed safely and studied over time_xxx
[ not over time, but pre-deployment ]
so that our citizens can prosper and enjoy life to the fullest.
I recognize there are often tradeoffs between new technologies and consumers who may benefit from them with citizens who may have specific needs or concerns
[ Not concerns, but ADA, FHA and constitutional rights to the quiet enjoyment of streets and homes ]
about that technology.
The federal government’s role then becomes one of ensuring citizens have choices in the use of the new technology, medicine, or other discovery.
[ The local government has the duty to provide public safety ]
When those choices conflict, again, the lowest level of government should make the decision first on how to proceed.
Mike Fricilone (I) for U.S. House of Representatives
. . . for Illinois 3rd Congressional District
A Statement from Mike Fricilone (I), Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, Illinois 3rd Congressional District in 2020:
“As a local elected official, I passionately believe that the best government is local government. Local government understands the pain points of day to day life in communities and is best prepared to offer solutions to fix problems. As a Will County Board Member, I know that both Republicans and Democrats value resident feedback on issues and use it to form policies that support local control.
As your next Member of Congress, it will be my mission to continue working with all local units of government in the 3rd Congressional District, especially on issues that could ever have public safety consequences to the community.
On the federal level, we must use the resources of the federal government to ensure that new technologies including [Densified 4G/5G Infrastructure] are fully studied and that the American people understand the complexities harms that these new [ wireless antennas ] technologies will have created on our children, families, and the environment. As Congressman, I will ensure there is more local control on this issue and will work to inform people in my district, in Illinois, and across the country about 5G technology.”
Deanne Mazzochi (R) for Illinois House of Representatives, 47th District
A Statement from Deanne Mazzochi (R), Candidate for Illinois House of Representatives, 47th District in 2020:
Regarding 5G Wireless Technology_xxx,
[ not 5G technology, but densified 4G/5G so-called “small” Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (sWTFs) in the public rights of ways, which are not small when one considers the metric that matters — the electromagnetic power through the air which reaches bedrooms ]
Recent commercials sponsored by big telecom tout the benefits of 5G wireless technology. It is their next profit pathway: changing the network means you buy new phones and_xxx purchase plan upgrades.
What isn’t disclosed? The very real concerns_xxx
[ not concerns, but problems ]
that our district residents have about the impacts these new wireless sites may have on health, property values, and privacy.
[ also 24/7 surveillance, data-mining and crowd control ]
Our founding principles say that we have a right to self-govern. We want to be safe and free in our homes. But many of these [Densified 4G/5G wireless infrastructure] decisions were taken out of our hands.
First, federal lawmakers and regulators elevated uniformity over all else to ensure smooth application and installation processes for the telecommunications industry.
Backed by federal court decisions that created strict legal preemption rules_xxx,
[ Wha-a-a-t? Citations, please . . . ]
this has come at a great cost at the local level, creating agony and strife_xxx among our residents.
[ agony and strife is worse than concerns . . . it paints residents as emotional and irrational ]
For example, the implementation of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules has led to the creation of a [ presumptive 60-day ] “shot clock” that [purports to require] local governments to approve permits in a matter of weeks.
[ All FCC purported shot clocks are not consistent with the legislative intent of the 1996-TCA which states in its US Supreme Court affirmed Conference Report:
“It is not the intent of this provision to give preferential treatment to the personal wireless service industry in the processing of requests, or to subject their requests to any but the generally applicable time frames for zoning decision.”
Second, while federal law has some very limited local-action loopholes_xxx,
[ Wha-a-a-t? Citations, please . . . ]
Springfield took away many of them [too much local control over the placement and construction decisions of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) via] through SB.1451 in 2018 (passed before I took office).
SB.1451 is called the “Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act.” When this bill’s terms were negotiated, who had a seat at the table? The corporate lobbyists for phone companies and public utilities were well represented. Lobbyists for cities and villages squabbled over fees. But who never had a voice? The people in our neighborhoods who directly live with the burdens that [a densified 4G/5G infrastructure grid] brings.
How can such a wireless 5G [densified 4G/5G infrastructure grid] impact you? We are used to cell towers hidden from view, placed on faraway rooftops, or spaced a mile or more away [from where people live, sleep and heal].
Wireless 4G/5G networks use a different part of the [a significant amount of additional spectrum], and create a new paradigm [the Wireless industry falsely claims that they “need” cell towers placed 1000 feet or less from your house [in the public rights of way, right next to homes, despite Lowell McAdam, then CEO of Verizon admitting the following in May, 2018:]
We busted the myth that foliage will shut [5G] down . . . that does not happen. And the 200 feet from a home? We are now designing the network for over 2,000 feet from transmitter to receiver, which has a huge impact on our capital need going forward.”
[The Wireless industry wants their antennas to be] placed on telephone poles, streetlamps, rear alleys, or even right in front of your house in a residential parkway without any notice to you or your consent [because it is the cheapest way for them to expand.]
Countless parents have looked at the risks versus the rewards [the detriments vs. the claimed benefits] of the implementation of this particular wireless technology, and concluded that faster download speeds this way just aren’t worth it, especially if it means cell towers with radiation warning labels are plonked just outside their house where their children play.
They don’t care that the installers promise the radiation levels will be sufficiently “safe.” They have seen what these safety promises sound like, and then see how they get implemented in reality—with large warning labels that no-one should get any closer than a few feet to the units or risk exceeding even the FCC’s low-bar threshold [unscientific RF-EMR exposure guideline which is an industrial guideline that cannot insure public safety]:
Our parents don’t want to have to worry about [already know that these signs are not effective It is not a matter of kids getting one foot too close to these antennas with radiation exposure warnings — its means forever abandoning that area]. They don’t want to see more of these kinds of towers starting to crop up in DuPage County where their children play.
Many residents have looked at these new cell towers and called them ugly. They are right. worried about [They know the adverse impacts such cell towers] will have on their property values, and the look and feel, [the aesthetics and the public safety of their neighborhoods]. They would rather see their infrastructure dollars used for alternative paths towards higher-speed [broadband] capabilities. One includes using underground fiber-optic cable networks that are more reliable; have fewer system interruptions; faster speeds; and which far better preserve the aesthetics of their streetscape.
I stand with you to ensure that your health, property and well-being are the top priority of the lawmakers in Springfield and beyond. Since being made aware of the concerns_xxx
[ not concerns, but problems that residents throughout the 47th District are facing ]
regarding [4G/5G wireless infrastructure] technology.
I have spent countless [many] hours listening and learning to help residents address this problem ’ voices on this issue be heard. I have advocated for the residents of Elmhurst, Western Springs, Hinsdale, and Clarendon Hills and other communities adversely impacted by the initial 4G/5G wireless pilot plant rollouts; and do not want the rest of the state to have to suffer the same way. I am proud to have attended multiple “Stop 5G” meetings throughout the district, to have responded to constituents thoughtfully and truthfully when they have reached out on this issue, and to have personally met with leaders of the movement to discuss tangible steps that can be taken to improve the situation.
All of this is why I drafted and filed House Bill 4653 (HB.4653), to create the Local Control, Protection, and Empowering Law to change the Small Wireless Facilities Development Act.
These new provisions are a start to give residents
moreclear notice of when new 5G wireless installations are coming into their community;- a stronger opportunity to be heard
by[when] objecting to pole placements and locations,
within the limited non-preempted options available under the federal guidelines_xxx.
[ Wha-a-a-a-t? Citations, please . . . ]
By filing this bill, I took a stance that many other lawmakers in Springfield would not; and even with it, there is far more work to be done. With your help, we moved the bill [to] the Public Utilities Committee. We have further legislation in progress to address the serious concerns_xxx
[ not concerns, but problems ]
with equipment that may or may not pass FCC standards when installed [and operated].
[ the measure should not be against FCC guidelines, but against the amount of Effective Radiated Power needed to provide Telecommunications service ]
I also was glad to work with Western Springs to draft and file House Bill 5818 (HB5818), which is designed to protect people from radiation exposure from 5G wireless installations.
[ which words do that? ]
Under current law there is a lot of assumed trust in telecommunications companies, but no [mechanism to] verify. HB 5818 ensures we have proof, and from a professional engineer not just a paper pusher, that whatever does get installed is actually being tested; tracked; monitored; and satisfies the minimal [non-protective] environmental standards set forth by the FCC; and if they don’t, we can revoke the installation and have it powered down in days.
[ Again, the measure should not be against FCC guidelines, but against the amount of Effective Radiated Power needed to provide Telecommunications service ]
We also are now aware of the contents of the federal deferred prosecution agreement involving bribery charges; ComEd; and House Speaker Mike Madigan.
[ Where is this? Why is this buried?]
We need to end these cozy insider relationships that produce legislation like SB.1451, and show the depth of our grass roots [movement that is demanding] wanting change. We will continue to push for a hearing and a vote during November’s veto session; and ensure the local residents do have their place at the table as the Small Wireless Facilities Development Act comes up for renegotiation [or, better yet, a simple self-repeal] in [June] 2021.
I know the level of commitment and tenacity that is required to advocate for constituents who are being mistreated by their government. I will continue to stand as your friend, ally, and advocate to work towards results that improve the safety and well-being of our community.
Laura Hois for Illinois House of Representatives, 81st District
A Statement from Laura Hois (I), Candidate for Illinois House of Representatives, 81st District in 2020:
Legislators were told the majority of new 5G transponders [4G/5G Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs)] would be placed on existing poles when the Small Cell Wireless bill passed in 2018. The people in these communities were under the impression that [4G/5G] installations, for the most part, would fit into the current aesthetics of the neighborhood. They were misled. Municipalities have since been overwhelmed with new [4G/5G cell] towers: eyesores that ruin the landscapes in front of homes, playgrounds, and common areas across town.
Federal State lawmakers and Federal regulators favored the telecommunications industry when granting public property rights free of charge to [4G/5G cell] tower installers_xxx
[Is this correct for the state? No charge at all? This is not correct for Federal regulation]
They disregarded the impact [4G/5G cell] towers would have on residents’ safety, health and property values. This was wrong.
Federal and State legislators should have respected local zoning laws, provided sufficient advance notice, and allowed reasonable amounts of time to fully address resident’s concerns at public hearings before so hastily proceeding with the deployment of new SG technologies. After hearing the concerns problems of residents, I agree that we need more local control over [the placement and construction of 4G/5G WTFs]. As your Representative in Springfield I will co-sponsor House Bill 5818, the “Protect Me From [4G/5G Infrastructure] Act.”
I will support the proposed House Bill 4653 to create the Local Control, Protection and Empowering Law to give residents more advance notice of when 4G/5G wireless facilities are coming into their community and a stronger opportunity to object to pole placements and locations. The majority party in Springfield has been taking away both funding and control from our local governments, with disastrous results. I will look for ways to restore more local control in the affected municipalities and communities who will know best how to govern themselves.