Glen Ellyn VHP — Community Connect Meeting May 28, 2020
View or download the slides from our May 28 Zoom meeting.
Want to learn what’s going on with 4G/5G so-called “small” Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (sWTFs) in Glen Ellyn?
Attend our weekly FREE Online ZOOM Community Meetings!
Join us again Thursday, July 9th for a FREE informational ZOOM community meeting from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Central time
Join our Facebook Group:

Genuine Democracy requires numbers . . . lots of us . . . showing up . . at online Village Board Meetings for now and soon at City Hall for every City Council Meeting as soon as we reclaim our rights to assemble, which we should never have lost. This website offers real solutions and alternatives to the currently over-powerered 4G/5G so-called “small” Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (sWTFs) that are proposed to be installed on utility and/or light poles near your homes, school, and parks. It’s time to ORGANIZE.
Many people are needed to participate with with time or money donations to fight to ensure that our safety, privacy and property values are preserved, during this process. Please contact us first to learn what is happening and how to draft a very strong comment for the meeting.
Email us at:
- We would benefit from a moratorium on 4G-5G sWTF construction, to avoid this first-generation of over-sized equipment.
- Glen Ellyn officials can amend our current Wireless ordinance
- Residents are seeking fair and just due process in the permitting process. We aren’t being given the full public information we are seeking via FOIA requests.
- We can establish if there are any significant gaps in wireless telecommunications service and ensure that sWTFs are constructed only there.
- Fiber-optic cable to the premises (FTTP)is the fastest, safest, most reliable & secure broadband option for homes and businesses.
Please Join Our Group!
We are a collection of Glen Ellyn residents interested in polices that make Glen Ellyn safe: Local Rule that values residents’ needs, preserves the Quiet Enjoyment of our Streets and promotes healthy families.
Glen Ellyn – V•H•P: Vertical, Horizontal, Power
- We are Vertical (during the day) . . .
- Horizontal (at night) . . .
- Powerful (all the time)
. . . In terms of 4G-5G Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) . . .if our Village does not regulate V•H•P for wireless antennas, then it has not protected its residents!
V • H • P: Vertical, Horizontal, Power
The three amigos of antennas! Olé !!!
- Vertical: How far an antenna is off the ground
- Horizontal: How far an antenna is from a home, school or park
- Power: the maximum Effective Radiated Power (in Watts ERP) that exits the face of the antenna.