Please click this button to Complete the Form that will enter your comments and/or questions into the City of Davis public record about the installation of Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antenna – Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (CPMRA-WTFs) in residential areas.
Join Davis Anti-Microwave Network Members at City of Davis Meetings
The Davis Anti-Microwave Network (DAMN) is a group that supports fast, reliable, and energy-efficient broadband internet via Fiber-Optics to the Home (FTTH). The group aims to reduce the unnecessarily high levels of wireless microwave radiation in our neighborhoods by eliminating Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRAs) in residential areas. FTTH is the best way to reduce microwave pollution where we live, eat, sleep and heal, so we can preserve the “quiet enjoyment of Davis’ streets” — which an aesthetic consideration that our City has the freedom and the duty to regulate.
DAMN stands for maintaining and ensuring an electromagnetically-safe environment for all living creatures. As a small town, we are currently saturated with too many cell towers and Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), also known as Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRA). Residents have proven there is no significant gap in cellular coverage for various Wireless Carriers. Therefore, Davis has no need for untested technologies, such as 5G, to add to the unabated electrosmog proliferating in our town. 5G promises nothing but the unleashing of a much larger swath of the microwave spectrum (600 MHz to 90,000 MHz) for wireless data transmissions. It doesn’t take much pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) exposure to damage biology as proven and found in the tens of thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies conducted since the 1940’s. The mandmade RF-EMR levels to which we are being exposed are more than quintillion times higher than naturally-occurring levels of EMF/EMR.
It is, therefore, not surprising that cancers and all kinds of chronic illnesses are on the rise, as well as behavioral problems, autism, dementia, Alzheimers, depression, suicide and violence. RF-EMR exposures affect EVERYTHING, from micro-molecular, to DNA, to sub-cellular, to cellular, to tissue, to organs and to whole body systems. Davis residents say NO to 5G because we have safe alternatives: fiber optics, coaxial and Ethernet wires to homes that are millions of times more energy-efficient, more secure, more reliable — and not hazardous, compared to Wireless transmission of any “G”. DAMN is about preserving the quiet enjoyment of our streets, parks, homes and neighborhoods. DAMN is also about preserving the health and vitality of all plant life, microbes, soils and pollinators, including the bees, bats and birds.
“Never should a geno-toxin ever be considered a commercial commodity to be determined by popular vote”
— Lena Pu
City of Davis meetings are held at Community Chambers at City Hall, located at 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, CA | map | meeting schedule here
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Thank You for Speaking at the Oct 23, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting
Watch the Wednesday, October 23 : Davis Planning Commission Meeting
Important Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, November 6 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm: FREE Davis Anti-Microwave Network-Sponsored 4G/5G Education Event at Yolo County Library Davis Branch Library, Blanchard Room, 315 E. 14th Street, Davis, CA 95616 | map | Learn how to protect your family from RF-EMR and other forms of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and more free food!
Special guest speaker: Eric Windheim, Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC) and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS).
Goal: to educate Davis residents about negative health consequences, resulting from pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) exposures and how to best protect your family. - Wednesday, December 11, at 7:00pm: Planning Commission votes on the draft wireless ordinance
- For more informaton and updates email to
Wireless Industry Myths & Problems:
- The 1996 Telecommunications Act addresses telecommunications, not the Internet of Things.
- The Wireless industry aims to deploy CPMRA’s throughout our neighborhoods, even though they cannot prove that they have a significant gap in telecommunications coverage
- The FCC has issued a September 2018 ‘Report and Order’ to attempt to fast-track the deployment of 4G + 5G Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) by shortening shot clocks and limiting the local fees that the City can charge
- The Wireless industry must abide by the “least intrusive means” to improve its wireless coverage, but CPMRA’s placed every third home — as close as 15-50 feet from homes – is clearly NOT the least intrusive means for Davis residents
Local Issues & Problems:
- CPMRA’s are a cancer in our neighborhoods and will metastasize. In the future, they can easily grow in size, number and power – all without our public knowledge, input or review! Once Davis lets one Carrier in, then the rest will follow, so think again if you don’t find a CMPRA currently in front of your house. Every house is vulnerable.
- Each of these CPMRA cell towers is considered a macro cell (more than the RF-EMR power levels that would reach your bedroom windows from a macro cell tower that is thousands of feet away).
- The RF-EMR exposures from CPMRA’s will also injure flora and fauna and will impact all pollinators (bats, bees and birds), as well as soil and its microbial health
- The public’s quiet enjoyment of streets, security, safety and health will be compromised by the introduction of genotoxic, RF-EMR-emitting CPMRA’s into our neighborhoods
- Since real estate agents must disclose cell tower locations in close proximity to the home, CPMRA’s will depress resale values of nearby homes
- There is no gap in coverage throughout the entire City of Davis. In fact, there are currently too many existing CPMRA’s and cell towers everywhere, thanks to Crown Castle when they first came into Davis and placed 18 CPMRAs throughout our neighborhoods back in 2014
- So why do we need more toxic electrosmog? Now a second Wireless Industry player has arrived to do the same – Nexius!
- Davis already has fiber optics to the homes, therefore, we do not need toxic wireless CPMRAs as end nodes transmitting microwave radiation 24/7 every day into our private sanctuary homes where people live, sleep and heal
- Davis has declared itself a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, then why can’t it PROTECT its OWN citizens?
Why We Need Your Help:
- Preserve and protect the City of Davis from this corrupt and unjust real estate grab by Telecom
- Ask our city officials to not capitulate to the FCC’s misguided “Report and Order” 18-133 and to not misrepresent laws such as the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
- Each CPMRA installation could cause a loss of $200,00 or more in property value for each affected home, nearby; this loss adds up quickly into the millions!
- The City of Davis is failing to involve the public through proper Due Process; only recently has the City put WTF issues on the City Council agenda for public review.
- The City is still failing to involve the public in vital developments such as the proposed changes to our Municipal Wirle3ss Ordinance for CPMRAs.
There is Strength in Numbers
- Complete the Davis form: provide name, email address and comments that we will print and enter into the Davis pubic record.
- Show up at the Planning Commission and City Council Meetings and give your non-consent to be irradiated at high RF-EMR levels in your home.
- Educate yourself on 4G/5G issues and spread the word to your neighbors.
- The City of Davis needs to follow proper DUE PROCESS and include public involvement, public input and public comments. The first City Staff Report sent for consideration to the Planning Commission at the October 9th meeting is completely void of ANY public comments. This is wrong.
- We are advocating for NO CPMRA installations in Davis residential zones.
- We do not want to incommode the quiet enjoyment of our streets with dangerous, toxic, noisy, high-voltage RF-EMR emitting equipment that transmits dangerous microwave frequencies into our homes and places where we walk, live, sleep, work, play, go to school, and heal.
- Since there is NO gap in Version coverage there is NO basis for Verizon preemption of local authority
- The US Access board, via the Americans for Disabilities Act, recognizes Electromagnetic-Sensitivity (EMS) as a disability that the City of Davis must accommodate — deployment of 4G/5G CPMRAs will create an illegal access barrier for certain individuals from accessing their home, workplace, community and services without harm.
- Recognize that the CPMRA installations will significantly injure trees and other plants in the neighborhoods.
The Problem: In a Nutshell
- Each CPMRA-WTF installation will decrease the property value of the four closest homes by 20% or more!
- Each installation could destroy between $200,000 and $400,000 of residential property value of each home nearby, which, conservatively, is $800,000 in lost property value per CPMRA-WTF installation × 80 planned installations could result in $64 million in lost residential property value.
- Davis should not destroy this much private property value to appease the business interests of AT&T Mobility, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile or Sprint.
- Davis, therefore, MUST resist this misguided project, start a public process and consider the LEAST INTRUSIVE means to close any alleged significant gaps in coverage in Davis neighborhoods.
- Are you relieved that one of these CPMRA-WTF installations is not in front of your home? Think again . . . if you let even one CPMRA-WTF installation in your neighborhood, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint are coming to claim the remaining poles, so your house could be next. CPMRAs are a cancer in your neighborhood that will grow in number, volume and power — year-after-year . . . unless you convince the Davis City Council to do the smart thing and allow CPMRA/Cell Towers only in commercial and industrial zones.
Tell City of Davis Staff and City Officials:
- NO! No more CPMRAs in Davis’ Residential Zones!
- Why? There is No proven SIGNIFICANT GAPs in Wireless coverage in Davis.
- CPMRA-WTFs 15–50 feet from our homes ARE NOT the least intrusive means to close an alleged significant gap in coverage. There are far better locations that can provide coverage: at least 1,500 feet away from where people live, sleep and heal.
- Where there is NO SIGNIFICANT GAP in coverage, there is no basis for preemption of local authority.
- Stop this Unjustified Real Estate Grab: if any Wireless Carrier installs a CPMRA-WTF on your street, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and others can come back to claim the real estate at every other light pole in the neighborhood.
- Preserve and protect the residential character of your neighborhood: insist on uncapped broadband internet and video data transmitted by less intrusive fiber optic snf/or coaxial cables to homes.
- Choose to transmit broadband internet and video data in the most energy-efficient way: it takes millions of times less energy than Wireless to transmit a 4k video/movie via fiber optic cables.
- The League of Cities, over 300 CA Cities, 50 of 58 Counties and many, many CA residents opposed the heinous so called “Small Cell” Bill, CA SB.649 — the bill that Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed on 10/15/17 for the reasons, above.
Map | Current Locations of Existing CPMRAs:
- #2: Light Pole outside Fire Station at Lake Blvd. and Arlington Blvd.
- #3: West side Of Marina Circle north of Bermuda Ave.
- #5: Light pole #850: South side of Burr St., west of Arthur St.
- #6: Russell Blvd. center median, west of Elm Ln.
- #7: South side of W. 8′ St., east of Pine Ln.
- #9: Civic Center Baseball Field near City Admin Building (Left Field Backstop)
- #12: East side of Pole Line Rd., south of Loyola Dr.
- #13: Light Pole #2732: Covell Blvd. median, west of Birch Lane
- #14: North side Of E. Covell Blvd., (adjacent to bicycle undercrossing)
- #15: Light pole in median on west side of Covell Blvd. and Harper Junion High School driveway
- #16: Light pole #3927: Covell Blvd., median west of Manzanita Dr. intersection
- #17: City well Site #29: west side of Alhambra Drive
- #20: City Well Site #34: Lillard Dr. and El Campo Dr.
- #21: South side of Lillard Dr., adjacent to Walnut Park parking lot
- #22: SW corner of Mace Blvd. and Redbud Drive
- #23: Light pole #161: South side of 8th St., in front of City water tower
- #24: Median at SE corner of E. 8th St. and J St.
- #25: Light #972: East side of Tulip Lane at Slide Hill Park opposite Belmont Dr.
Firm | Map | Documents | Location of Proposed CPMRA Applications:
- Crown Castle | map | documents | 2304 Westerness Road (near Village Homes residence, near Emerson Junior High, bus stop on Arlington)
- Crown Castle | map | documents | 2860 West Covell Boulevard (near Watermelon Music, Davis Community Acupuncture, Thrive Fitness Center, Morse Remodeling, Brooks Painting, and other businesses.)
- Crown Castle | map | documents | 4343 Chiles Road (near Shottenkirk Honda)
- Crown Castle | map | documents | 4823 Chiles Road (near Cindy’s Restaurant)
- Crown Castle | map | documents | 000 Chiles Road (near Pioneer Elementary School & Hanlees Davis, Chevrolet)
- Nexius | map | 885 Russell Boulevard (near Trader Joe’s and Costplus World Market)
- Nexius | map | 878 Adams Street (near another DAS on Burr Street 4 houses down on Arthur Blvd.)
- Nexius | map | 440 A Street (near City of Davis Offices, corner of Russell and A St.)
See What Happened at the Davis City Council Meeting: Sept. 24, 2019
- Conclusion: regulation of the operations of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities was never preempted from local zoning authority. Compare Versions of the 1996 Telecommunications Act (1996-TCA) here.
- To understand the Congressional intent behind the 1996-TCA Read the 1996-TCA Conference Report here: “localities have the flexibility to treat [Wireless Telecommunications Facilities ] that create different visual, aesthetic, or safety concerns differently to the extent permitted under generally applicable zoning requirements even if those facilities provide functionally equivalent services. For example, the conferees do not intend that if a State or local government grants a permit in a commercial district, it must also grant a permit for a competitor’s 50-foot tower in a residential district.”
- View City Attorney presentation at 2:34:40 in the video
- View Public Comment at 2:56:45 in the video
What We Know: This Is Not Good

The World Health Organization has classified radio frequency microwave electromagnetic fields from any source (pulsed, data-modulated, Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation radiation) as a Group 2B Carcinogen. Dr. Lennart Hardell, a member of the IARC committee wrote in his 3/12/18 comments on the National Toxicology Program final results:
Based on the IARC preamble to the monographs, RF microwave radiation should be classified as Group 1: The agent is carcinogenic to humans.
“This category is used when there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans. Exceptionally, an agent may be placed in this category when evidence of carcinogenicity in humans is less than sufficient but there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals and strong evidence in exposed humans that the agent acts through a relevant mechanism of carcinogenicity.” (
These so-called “Small Cell” towers would be installed just 15-50 feet from homes and transmit hazardous levels of pulsed, data-modulated, radio frequency microwave-millimeter wave radiation 24/7/365 — with no chance to opt out. Recall, that people damaged by 24/7/365 exposures from the Wireless Advanced Metering Infrastructure’s (AMI) so-called “Smart Meters” forced PG&E to offer an opt out program. We need such an opt out for these CPRMA installations, as well: My Street, My Choice!
The Solution: Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)
The solution is both simple and easy — instead of more Wireless, install Wireline fiber optic cables to each home and business in Davis, which will provide much faster, more secure, more reliable and much more energy-efficient transmission of Internet and video data. Doing so would preserve the unique character of Davis and prevent the private Telecom companies from shoving these these cheap, ugly, intrusive, microwave-radiation-emitting CPMRA installations into our town.
Despite the promises of additional convenience and the unbridled hype for Densified 4G and 5G and the “Internet of Things” (IoT), the primary duty of our elected officials is neither convenience, nor promised future economic growth, but to promote and preserve the health and welfare of the Town of Nevada City’s residents, voters and taxpayers.
What You Can Do
To voice your opposition to Cell Towers being installed 10 to 50 feet from homes and local workplaces, please come to the Planning Commission and City Council Meeting for Davis and speak or support others who will speak against these hazardous, visual blights that could blemish our beautiful city for the rest of our lives.